Wheel of the Year Ceremonies,
Sacred Day Celebrations
In the work of the feminine, we seek to align with nature and her natural rhythms. Cross culturally, ancient peoples marked sacred times throughout the year in order to acknowledge and honor these ever-changing cycles and seasons. Following this template of the wheel of the year, which aligns with astrological and seasonal changes, we have the opportunity every 6 weeks to align with nature, the shifting energies, and therefore have more access to personal power and agency in our lives and actions.
Around the time of each of these key markings of the wheel of the year, we will provide the opportunity to celebrate, honor, and align with these cyclic phases and their unique energies. Unique rituals, celebrations, and contemplations will be provided to assist you in making the most of each of these phases of the year and the unique energies they possess.
You may choose to receive these resources straight to your inbox, allowing you to engage in the way that feels best and works for your timing. It is also an option to request a live ceremony (held either remotely or in person).
Please reach out directly for mor details depending on your preference - megan@littlegoathealing.com
Blessed be xxx